Driven by undesirability of this underground carpark space,our design aims to alleviate the subterranean - ness of this entrance drop off lobby by drawing on the influences of nature. Not the literal nature as we know it, but a world of abstracted one that distille essence of what constitutes nature - be it the lines, forms, colours or textures of nature - and weave them into a coherent world that evokes a sense of being out in the open seating benches that recall the rock outcrops found on the floors of forests ...flooring finishes and pattern that reminisces stepping stones ledges to get across river creeks ...unsightly columns that are camouflaged into avatar-like tree trunks that hint at the future of nature.
By inextricably weaving these elements, we recreate an 'other worldliness' that temporarily suspends one from the reality of being in an underground carpark, by hinting at the world of being in a forest. In doing so, we hope to enlighten the lives of the average dwellers for just 15 mins of their lives while they wait for their daily buses, by letting them peep into the world of nature, and future!
Interior Design
Bronze Sub Category Winner,
Residential, Professional